DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1222PGATE-PT (Packet Gateway Port)
Packet Gateway Port Local Loop-Around Test
This test is destructive.
This test verifies the functionality of a port circuit on the Packet Gateway circuit
pack. When the switch sends the test request, the Packet Gateway circuit pack
Table 9-487. TEST #599 Packet Gateway Switched Port
Loop-Around Test
Tes t
Result Description/ Recommendation
1000 ABORT The port is in use for a call or the X.25 Access Link is connected. Execute
status packet-gateway-port UUCSSpp to determine when the port is
available for testing.
1. Retry the command when the port is idle. The port may be forced to the
idle state by executing a busyout port UUCSS command. The busyout
port command is destructive causing all calls and links associated with
the port to be torn down.
1005 ABORT The configuration for this test is incorrect.
1. Verify that the port under test is configured as a switched port. This error
code will result when the port under test is configured as an RS423.
2. If this is supposed to be a switched port and it is not administered that way
change the configuration using change data-module ext. The ‘‘baud’’
field should display ‘‘switched’’.
1340 ABORT The Maintenance Test Board digital port was not available.
1341 ABORT Allocation of timeslots failed.
1342 ABORT Connection of ports to timeslots failed.
2000 ABORT Uplink message not received before time limit.
2012 ABORT Internal system error.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 3 times.
0 FAIL Received data test pattern does not match transmitted data test pattern.
1. Retry command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 3 times.
2. If it still fails, eliminate that the problem is with PKT-BUS and M/T-DIG by
following the repair procedures for those MOs.
3. If they pass, replace the board. Deciding when to replace the board must
be balanced against traffic on the other ports.
PASS The circuitry of the port tested, and its connectivity across the packet bus, is
functioning properly.
Continued on next page