DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-206set options
Trunk MOs Affected By This Command:
Although alarms on these MOs may appear as warnings, the alarms should
be investigated with user-reported problems.
■ Auxiliary Trunks (AUX-TRK)
■ Central Office Trunks (CO-TRK)
■ Direct Inward Dialing Trunks (DID-TRK)
■ Direct Inward and Outward Dial Trunks (DIOD-TRK)[G1.2SE only]
■ DS1 Central Office Trunks (CO-DS1)
■ DS1 Direct Inward Dialing Trunks (DID-DS1)
■ DS1 Tie Trunks (TIE-DS1)
■ ISDN Trunks (ISDN-TRK)
■ Tie Trunks (TIE-TRK)
Circuit Pack MOs Affected By This Command
Although alarms on these MOs may appear as warnings, the alarms should
be investigated with user-reported problems.
Trunks that are not members of Trunk Groups, (e.g. PCOLs) are
downgraded according to the alarm severity of group one.
■ DS1 Interface Circuit Pack (DS1-BD)
Adjunct-Related MOs Affected by this Command
Although alarms on these MOs may appear as warnings, the alarms should
be investigated with user-reported problems.
■ ASAI Adjunct (ASAI-ADJ)
■ Lucent Adjunct Port (ATT-PORT)
■ Ethernet ASAI Port (LGATE-PT)
■ Ethernet ASAI Adjunct (LGATE-AJ)
■ Ethernet Lucent Port (ATTE-PT)
■ Ethernet Lucent Adjunct (ATTE_AJ)
■ ISDN-BRI Ports connected to Adjuncts (ABRI-PORT)