DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
The TN1656 Tape circuit pack is part of the Mass Storage System (MSS). The
MSS provides non-volatile storage for system software, translation data,
announcement data and program update data. As shown in Figure 9-102
, the
MSS consists of a Host Adapter circuit on the UN332 MSS-Network Control
circuit pack (MSSNET), a Small Computer System Interface (SCSI) bus, a
TN1656 Tape circuit pack and the TN1657 Disk Drive circuit pack. The Disk Drive
acts as the primary storage device. The Tape Drive serves as a backup device
and as a removable medium for system data.
The system is usually booted from the bootimage stored on disk. The
save announcements
commands save to disk the
memory-resident translation data and TN750-resident announcement data,
respectively. The
backup disk
command copies data from the disk to the tape
for backup storage. The
restore disk
command copies data from the tape back
to disk. All MSS components reside in the SPE, or PPN control carrier (carrier A
for a simplex SPE, carriers A and B for a duplicated SPE).
The Tape circuit pack contains SCSI bus terminators, a -48V to +12V power
converter, an industry standard SCSI based Tape Drive, and interface circuitry to
the private bus to control the LEDs, detect the presence of the circuit pack, and
identify the vintage of the hardware.
A -48V to +12V converter circuit on the Tape circuit pack provides power for both
the Tape Drive and the Disk Drive. The presence of +12V on these circuit packs
is monitored separately by maintenance software so that a failure of the +12V
converter on the Tape circuit pack can be identified or ruled out as the source of
the problem when the Disk Drive loses +12V power.
MO Name (in
Alarm Log)
Initial Command to
1. In a system with a simplex SPE, the carrier need not be specified. In a system with
duplicated SPEs, carrier a or b must be specified.
Full Name of MO
TAPE WARNING test tape a|b long MSS Tape circuit pack
TAPE MINOR test tape a|b long MSS Tape circuit pack
2. This alarm occurs when the system undergoes a reset of level 3, 4, or 5, and the switch
cannot load translation from tape; it also occurs when a program update cannot be
applied. See the Error Log Table, error type 3585.
test tape a|b long MSS Tape circuit pack