DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-199save translation
save translation
The save command can take up to 15 minutes to complete. Avoid pressing
the ENTER key on the keyboard during this time, since doing so will cause
the result messages to be lost.
All translation data is kept in volatile system memory during normal operation. In
the event of a power outage or certain system failures, data in memory is lost.
The save translation command allows the user to store on disk or tape the
translation data currently in memory. This operation can be executed as part of
scheduled background maintenance or on demand. The defaults are to save to
disk and, on a system with duplicated SPEs, to both SPEs.
Save translation should not be executed if there is an unresolved problem
with the HOST-ADAPTR maintenance object. Save translations should not
be done to a TAPE or DISK device with unresolved problems. Doing so may
destroy a good copy of the files.
On systems with duplicated SPEs, the capability to save translation to only
one SPE should be used with extreme caution since it results in the two
SPEs having inconsistent translation data in storage.
The save translation cannot be executed if translation data is being changed by
an administration command.
save translation [active | standby | spe-a | spe-b | both | either]
[disk | tape]
spe-a This specifies saving translation data to the MSS device on the SPE in carrier
A only.
spe-b This specifies saving translation data to the MSS device on the SPE in carrier
B only.
save announcements Page 1 of 1 SPE A
Processor Command Completion Status Error Code
SPE-A Success 0