DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Commands
8-348test isdn-testcall
If the test failed, because the link was up or because there was an active alarm
that the switch needs to report or there was a problem with the call, the following
message will be displayed:
Command failed
An entry is made in the error log describing why the inads-link test failed.
Feature Interactions
test isdn-testcall
test isdn-testcall group#/member# [minutes
] [schedule]
test isdn-testcall
command starts an outgoing ISDN-PRI test call using the
asynchronous method.
Only 1 ISDN trunk in each port network can be tested at one time. The maximum
number of asynchronous outgoing test calls that can be run simultaneously
depends on the number of Maintenance/Test circuit packs in the system.
For more information, see Test #258 under “ISDN-TRK (DS1 ISDN Trunk)” in
Chapter 9.
For more information, see ‘‘Common Input Parameters’’ at the beginning of this
test isdn-testcall 78/2 minutes 10
Specify the trunk over which to originate the test call.
minutes #
Specify the duration of the test call in minutes from 1 to 120. The
duration defaults to 8.4 or 9.6 seconds.