DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-847EXT-DEV ADMIN? Y (External Device Alarm)
Table 9-320. TEST #120 External Device Alarm Test
Te st
Result Description/ Recommendation
1000 ABORT System resources required to run this test are not available.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
1035 ABORT The EPN containing this equipment is not available.
Resolve all EPN problems with this cabinet.
2000 ABORT Response to the test request was not received within the allowable time period.
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
2. (Maintenance Board) If the test continues to ABORT with Error Code 2000,
check for system powering problems with the A carrier. Resolve all
AC-POWER and CARR-POW alarms in a multi-carrier cabinet or
DC-POWER alarms in a single-carrier cabinet. Then, repeat the test.
3. (Maintenance Board) If the test continues to ABORT with a 2000 Error
Code, resolve all maintenance circuit pack errors. Then, repeat the test.
ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
ANY FAIL The External Device Alarm has been activated by the external device.
1. Clear the major alarm on the external device, and rerun the test.
2. If the test still fails, then disconnect the External Device Alarm Leads from
the Maintenance circuit pack and rerun the test.
3. If the test still fails, then there is a problem with the analog external device
alarm port or the Maintenance circuit pack that is reporting the alarm. This
circuit pack should be replaced. There are failures that can occur on the
Maintenance circuit pack that
will not
be detected by their respective
maintenance, but which will cause many environment tests to fail. If many
environment tests are failing, the suspect circuit pack should be replaced
and the test rerun.
PASS If there is a problem with the external device, but the administered analog line
external device alarm, or the administered Maintenance circuit pack connected
to the device reports no alarm, then the External Device may not be properly
reporting the problems or the External Device may not be properly connected
to the External Device Alarm Leads.
Continued on next page