DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-952ISDN-SGR (ISDN-PRI Signaling Group)
administered for the signaling group. If there are problems with the ISDN-PRI
Secondary Signaling Channel port (ISDN-LNK), also investigate the UDS1 circuit
pack (UDS1-BD).
Layer 2 Status Test (#647)
The Layer 2 Status Test checks the layer 2 status of the ISDN-PRI Signaling
Channel (D-channel). This test will fail if there is a hardware failure or a facility
problem, or if the primary and secondary ISDN-PRI D-channels are not
administered correctly.
The Primary and Secondary Signaling Link Hardware tests (test 637 and 639)
and the Remote Layer 3 Query test (test 637) will detect most problems caused
by hardware failures or incorrect administration. However, the Layer 3 test (test
637) cannot detect end-to-end transmission problems with the Standby
D-channel since Layer 3 messages are not sent on the standby channel.
For G3r, the SYS-LINK Maintenance Object reports Layer 2 ISDN-PRI D-channel
problems and for G3i/s/vs, the PI-LINK Maintenance Object reports Layer 2
ISDN-PRI D-channel problems (if the D-channel is connected to the Processor
Interface circuit pack). However, for G3i, the PI-LINK Maintenance Object does
not monitor the Layer 2 status of the ISDN-PRI D-channel when the D-channel is
connected to the Packet Control circuit pack for the ISDN-PRI over PACCON
feature. The Layer 2 Query test is provided to detect D-Channel Layer 2 failures
Table 9-364. TEST #639 Secondary Signaling Link Hardware Check
Code Test Result Description/ Recommendation
ABORT Internal system error
1. Retry the command at 1-minute intervals a maximum of 5 times.
1132 ABORT The Secondary D-Channel is not administered for this Signaling Group. This
is a NORMAL ABORT. Only a Primary D-Channel must be administered for a
Signaling Group.
8 FAIL There is a problem with the TN464C/D UDS1 Interface circuit pack or the
ISDN-PRI Secondary Signaling Channel (D-Channel). No ISDN trunk or PRI
endpoint calls can be made until the problem is resolved.
1. Consult the procedures for the UDS1 TN464C/D Circuit Pack
(UDS1-BD) and the ISDN-PRI Signaling Channel (ISDN-LNK).
PASS The basic physical connectivity of the Signaling Group’s Secondary
D-channel is intact and functional. Try this test repeatedly to ensure the link
is up and to uncover any transitory problems.
Continued on next page