DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-1311PNC-DUP (PNC Duplication)
different switch nodes. Investigate any alarms against SNI-PEER. The last
two digits of the error code indicate the fiber-link number (01-27) of the
fiber that reported the alarm.
List fiber-link
gives the location of the fiber.
ac. A spontaneous PNC interchange took place in response to the occurrence
of a major or minor alarm on the B-PNC associated with fault class FC_
SNIHW. This indicates faults on hardware connecting SNIs on different
switch nodes. Investigate any alarms against SN-CONF, SNI-BD,
FIBER-LK. The last two digits of the error code indicate the fiber-link
number (01-27) of the fiber that reported the alarm.
List fiber-link
the location of the fiber.
ad. A spontaneous PNC interchange took place upon the expiration of the
anti-thrashing timer.
ae. A spontaneous PNC interchange took place upon the unlocking of the
PNCs with the
set pnc unlock
af. A spontaneous PNC interchange took place upon the completion of a
global refresh of the standby.
ag. A demand interchange was executed with the
reset pnc
ah. A demand interchange was executed with the
reset pnc
command using the