DEFINITY Enterprise Communications Server Release 7
Maintenance for R7r
Issue 4
June 1999
Maintenance Object Repair Procedures
9-177ATM-EI (Expansion Interface Circuit Pack)
j. Error type 1153: the ATM connection audit found some discrepancy in the
firmware’s VC token numbers and live VCs. The problem is rectified in
firmware and no action is needed.
k. Error Type 1281: loss of high-level signal indicating operational problems
of equipment located outside of the circuit pack and the fiber connected
to the board. Aux Data values are listed in Table 9-77
Table 9-77. Error type 1281 Aux Data and repair procedures
Description Repair procedure
15 SYSCLOCK failed The board is not locked to the TDM backplane clock signal. This is
probably due to a Tone Clock problem.
1. Check for TDM-BUS or TONE-BD errors in the Error Log.
2. If no other problems are present, reset the circuit pack (reset
board UUCSS)
16 Loss of Signal:
The fiber is not connected properly to the ATM-TRK board or ATM
switch (or to the multiplexer section [MUX] if present).It is possible
that the board transceivers are not functioning properly.
1. Run test board UUCSS command.
2. If Test #1259 fails, connect a fiber back-to-back in a looped
mode (one strand of fiber connecting the transmit transceiver
to the receive transceiver of the board) and see if the yellow
LED flash goes away. If it does the problem is off-board.
3. If the yellow LED continues to flash, replace the circuit pack.
17 Loss of Frame:
The fiber signal cannot obtain or maintain STM-1/OC-3 framing.
1. Try to more the fiber on the ATM switch side to a different port.
2. If the problem persists, reset the circuit pack (reset board
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