[ Factory default setting ( = ) ]
Setting at returns all parameters to their respective default settings.
When this parameter is set at 3,
is displayed for a while, then switches back
to the original display (
or ). Note that this setting also clears all trouble
history records.
[ Trip clear ( = ) ]
Setting at clears the oldest 4 trip history records.
(This setting does not change any parameter settings.)
[ Clearing accumulating operation time ( = ) ]
Setting at clears the cumulative operation time (resets it to zero).
[ Initialization of type form information ( = ) ]
When a trip occurs because of a type error ( is displayed), you can clear the
trip by setting at . This function is used to reformat a control circuit board to
adapt it to an inverter, for example, when a circuit board is removed from an inverter to
use for another inverter for maintenance or for other reasons. This setting clears all
type data stored in the inverter.
[ Memorization of user-defined parameters ( = ) ]
Setting at causes all the current parameter settings to be stored individually.
[ Reset of user-defined parameters ( = ) ]
Setting at returns all parameters to the settings saved by setting this
parameter at .
The above settings and allows you to have your own default parameter settings.