LAN Configuration
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Manage Routing
• Configure Static Routes
• Configure Routing Information Protocol
• Static Route Example
Static routes provide additional routing information to your UTM. Under normal
circumstances, the UTM has adequate routing information after it has been configured for
Internet access, and you do not need to configure additional static routes. You should
configure static routes only for unusual cases such as multiple firewalls or multiple IP subnets
on your network.
Note: The UTM automatically sets up routes between VLANs and secondary
IP addresses that you have configured on the LAN Multi-homing screen
(see Configure Multihome LAN IP Addresses on the Default VLAN on
page 109). Therefore, you do not need to add a static route manually
between a VLAN and a secondary IP address.
Configure Static Routes
To add a static route to the Static Route table:
1. Select Network Config > Routing. The Routing screen displays:
Figure 63.
2. Click the Add table button under the Static Routes table. The Add Static Route screen