Firewall Protection
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Tip: If you arrange with your ISP to have more than one public IP address for
your use, you can use the additional public IP addresses to map to
servers on your LAN or DMZ. One of these public IP addresses is used
as the primary IP address of the router that provides Internet access to
your LAN computers through NAT. The other addresses are available to
map to your servers.
To configure the UTM for additional IP addresses:
1. Select Network Security > Firewall. The Firewall submenu tabs display.
2. If your server is to be on your LAN, click the LAN WAN Rules submenu tab. (This is the
screen used in this example). If your server is to be on your DMZ, click the DMZ WAN
Rules submenu tab.
3. Click the Add table button under the Inbound Services table. The Add LAN WAN Inbound
Service screen displays:
Figure 78.
4. From the Service drop-down list, select HTTP for a web server.
5. From the Action drop-down list, select ALLOW Always.