Manage Users, Authentication, and VPN Certificates
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Change Passwords and Other User Settings
For any user, you can change the password, user type, and idle time-out settings. Only
administrators have read/write access. All other users have read-only access.
Note: The default administrator and default guest passwords for the web
management interface are both password. NETGEAR recommends
that you change the password for the administrator account to a
more secure password, and that you configure a separate secure
password for the guest account.
Note: The ideal password should contain no dictionary words from any
language, and should be a mixture of letters (both uppercase and
lowercase), numbers, and symbols. Your password can be up to
30 characters.
Note: After a factory defaults reset, the password and time-out value are
changed back to password and 5 minutes, respectively.
To modify user settings, including passwords:
1. Select Users > Users. The Users screen displays (see Figure 238 on page 402).
2. In the Action column of the List of Users table, click the Edit table button for the user for
which you want to modify the settings. The Edit User screen displays:
Figure 243.