Wireless Network Module for the UTM9S and UTM25S
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
If you configure the wireless network module in the UTM9S or
UTM25S from a wireless computer whose MAC address is not in
the access control list, and if the ACL policy status is set to deny
access, you lose your wireless connection when you click Apply.
You then need to access the UTM9S or UTM25S from a wired
computer or from a wireless computer that is on the access
control list to make any further changes.
To remove one or more MAC addresses from the table:
1. In the MAC Address table, select the check box to the left of each MAC address that
you want to delete, or click the Select All table button to select all MAC addresses.
2. Click the Delete table button.
View the Access Point Status and Connected Clients
for a Wireless Profile
To view the access point status for a wireless profile and the clients that are
connected to it:
1. On the Wireless Profiles screen (see Figure 341 on page 588), select the check box to
the left of the wireless profile for which you want to view the status.
2. Click the Status table button. The Access Point Status screen displays:
Figure 344.
To change the poll interval period, enter a new value in the Poll Interval field, and then
click Set interval. To stop polling, click Stop.