3G/4G Dongles for the UTM9S and UTM25S
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
5. Click Apply to save your settings.
Note: If you are connected to the Internet over a PPP connection (that is,
the PDP type is PPP) and you change the connection settings, the
settings do not take effect until you disconnect from the Internet and
then reconnect to the Internet.
Configure the WAN Mode
• Configure Network Address Translation
• Configure Classical Routing
A UTM9S or UTM25S in which a 3G/4G dongle is installed can support a USB WAN
interface, Ethernet WAN interfaces, and a DSL interface.
Pay Plan Select the pay plan:
• Default. The default pay plan should work for most conditions.
• Custom. If the default pay plan does not work, select the custom pay plan,
and enter the custom information in the APN, Username, Password, Access
Number, and PDP Type fields.
APN The access point name (APN) that was detected. For a custom pay plan, enter
the custom APN.
Username The user name that was detected. For a custom pay plan, enter the custom
user name.
Password The password that was detected. For a custom pay plan, enter the custom
ISP The ISP that was detected. This field is for information only and cannot be
Access Number The access number that was detected. For a custom pay plan, enter the custom
access number.
PDP Type The packet data protocol (PDP) that was detected. For a custom pay plan,
select the PDP type from the drop-down list:
• IP. The 3G/4G dongle connects to the Internet over an IP connection.
• PPP. The 3G/4G dongle connects to the Internet over a PPP connection.
Table 155. 3G/4G settings (continued)
Setting Description