xDSL Network Module for the UTM9S and UTM25S
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Figure 321.
4. Either click Auto Detect or, if you have the correct settings, enter the settings as explained
in the following table:
Table 140. xDSL settings
Setting Description
xDSL Settings
DSL Transfer Mode Select one of the following DSL transfer methods:
• PTM. Packet Transfer Mode (PTM) has a functionality that is similar to
packet-switched networking and does not use multiplexing.
• ATM. Asynchronous Transfer Mode (ATM) uses Asynchronous Time-Division
Multiplexing (ATDM) to encode data into small, fixed-sized cells. ATM has a
functionality that is similar to circuit-switched networking and
small-packet-switched networking.
When you select ATM, you also need to configure the multiplexing method, VPI,
and VCI.
Multiplexing Method Select the VDSL multiplexing method for the ATM mode:
• LLC-BASED. Multiplexing is based on Logical Link Control (LLC) encapsulation.
• VC-BASED. Multiplexing is based on use of a virtual circuit (VC).