Content Filtering and Optimizing Scans
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Configure FTP Scanning
• Customize FTP Antivirus Settings
• Configure FTP Content Filtering
Some malware threats are specifically developed to spread through the FTP protocol. By
default, the UTM scans FTP traffic, but you can disable scanning of FTP traffic, or specify
how the UTM scans FTP traffic and which action is taken when a malware threat is detected.
The UTM does not scan password-protected FTP files.
Customize FTP Antivirus Settings
To configure the antivirus settings for FTP traffic:
1. Select Application Security > FTP. The FTP submenu tabs display with the Anti-Virus
screen in view:
Figure 132.
2. Enter the settings as explained in the following table:
Table 53. Anti-Virus screen settings for FTP
Setting Description
FTP Action The Anti-Virus check boxes for FTP is selected by default. When the UTM
detects infected traffic, the default settings cause the downloaded files to be
blocked and deleted.
From the FTP drop-down list, select one of the following actions to be taken
when an infected FTP file or object is detected:
• Delete file. This is the default setting. The FTP file or object is deleted,
and a log entry is created.
• Log only. Only a log entry is created. The FTP file or object is not deleted.
• Quarantine file. The FTP file or object is quarantined, and a log entry is
created (see the Note on page 193).