Monitor System Access and Performance
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Figure 314. Diagnostics, screen 3 of 4
Gather Important Log Information
To gather log information about your UTM:
1. Locate the Gather Important Log Information section on the Diagnostics screen. Click
Download Now. You are prompted to save the downloaded log information file to your
computer. The default file name is importantlog.gpg.
2. When the download is complete, browse to the download location you specified, and verify
that the file has been downloaded successfully.
Generate Network Statistics
The network statistic report provides a detailed overview of the network utilization in the UTM
managed network environment. The report allows you to see what consumes the most
resources on the network.
To generate the Network Statistic Report, locate the Network Statistics Report section on the
Diagnostics screen. Click Generate Network Statistics. The network statistics report is sent
as an email to the recipient that you specified on the Email Notification screen (see Configure
the Email Notification Server on page 466).