Firewall Protection
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
LAN Users The settings that determine which computers on your network are
affected by this rule. The options are:
• Any. All computers and devices on your LAN.
• Single address. Enter the required address in the Start field to
apply the rule to a single device on your LAN.
• Address range. Enter the required addresses in the Start and
End fields to apply the rule to a range of devices.
• Group. Select the group to which the rule applies. Use the LAN
Groups screen to assign computers to groups. See Manage
Groups and Hosts (LAN Groups) on page 111.
• IP Group. Select the IP group to which the rule applies. Use the
IP Groups screen to assign IP addresses to groups. See Create
IP Groups on page 167.
Note: For LAN WAN inbound rules, this field is not applicable when
the WAN mode is NAT because your network presents only one IP
address to the Internet.
LAN WAN rules
LAN DMZ rules
WAN Users The settings that determine which Internet locations are covered by
the rule, based on their IP address. The options are:
• Any. All Internet IP addresses are covered by this rule.
• Single address. Enter the required address in the Start field.
• Address range. Enter the required addresses in the Start and
End fields.
• IP Group. Select the IP group to which the rule applies. Use the
IP Groups screen to assign IP addresses to groups. See Create
IP Groups on page 167.
LAN WAN rules
DMZ WAN rules
DMZ Users The settings that determine which DMZ computers on the DMZ
network are affected by this rule. The options are:
• Any. All computers and devices on your DMZ network.
• Single address. Enter the required address in the Start field to
apply the rule to a single computer on the DMZ network.
• Address range. Enter the required addresses in the Start and
End fields to apply the rule to a range of DMZ computers.
Note: For DMZ WAN inbound rules, this field is not applicable when
the WAN mode is NAT because your network presents only one IP
address to the Internet.
DMZ WAN rules
LAN DMZ rules
Users Allowed The settings that determine which user or group on the network is
affected by this rule. You can select a local user, local group, or
customer group. To create a custom group, select + Create New
from the Users Allowed drop-down list on a firewall screen that lets
you add or edit a rule (you can find the + Create New link under the
Custom Groups heading on such a screen). For information about
setting up custom groups, see Configure Custom Groups on
page 397.
LAN WAN rules
DMZ WAN rules
Table 28. Inbound rules overview (continued)
Setting Description Inbound Rules