Content Filtering and Optimizing Scans
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Sensitivity From the Sensitivity drop-down list, select the level of sensitivity for the antispam engine
that performs the analysis:
Medium High. This is the default setting.
Note: A low sensitivity allows more emails to pass through but increases the risk of spam
messages. A high sensitivity allows fewer emails to pass through but diminishes the risk of
spam messages.
Action SMTP From the SMTP drop-down list, select the action that is taken
when spam is detected by the antispam engine:
• Tag spam email. This is the default setting. The email is
tagged as spam, and a log entry is created.
• Block spam email. The email is blocked, and a log entry is
• Quarantine spam email. The email is quarantined on a
ReadyNAS, and a log entry is created (see the Note on
page 193).
POP3 The only option is to tag spam email.
Tag Add tag to mail subject When Tag spam email is selected from the Action drop-down list
(see the preceding explanation in this table), select this check box
to add a tag to the email subject line. The default tag is [SPAM],
but you can customize this tag. The default setting is to add the
default tag to the subject line.
Add tag
mail header
When Tag spam email is selected from the Action drop-down list
(see the explanation earlier in this table), select this check box to
add the X-NETGEAR-SPAM tag to the email header. The default
setting is to add the default tag to the email header.
Anti-Spam Engine Settings
Use a proxy
server to
connect to
the Detection
Select this check box if the UTM connects to the Netgear Spam Classification Center (also
referred to as the Detection Center) over a proxy server. Then specify the following
Proxy server The IP address and the port number of the proxy server.
User name Optional: The user name for proxy server authentication.
Password Optional: The password for proxy server authentication.
Table 45. Distributed Spam Analysis screen settings (continued)
Setting Description