Content Filtering and Optimizing Scans
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
• A combination of file extensions and protocols
• One URL or URL expression
• One built-in web category group or built-in individual web category
To further refine exception rules, you can create custom categories that allow you to include
either a selection of applications, or a selection of URLs, or a selection of web categories. For
more information, see Create Custom Categories for Exceptions for Web and Application
Access on page 258.
Tip: If you want to use a custom group and custom category, first create the
custom group and custom category, then create the exception rule.
To set web access exception rules:
1. Select Application Security > Exceptions. The Exceptions submenu tabs display, with
the Exceptions screen in view. This screen shows the Application table, URL Filter &
Web Category table, and File Extension table, all of which are empty if you have not
specified any exception rules. (The following figure shows exception rules in the tables
as examples.)
Figure 138.