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ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
To download the current certificate into your browser:
1. Click Download for Browser Import.
2. Follow the instructions of your browser to save the RootCA.crt file on your computer.
To reload the default NETGEAR certificate:
1. Select the Use NETGEAR default certificate radio button.
2. Click Apply to save your settings.
To import a new certificate:
1. Select the Use imported certificate (PKCS12 format) radio button.
2. Click Browse next to the Import from File field.
3. Navigate to a trusted certificate file on your computer. Follow the instructions of your browser
to place the certificate file in the Import from File field.
4. If necessary, enter the appropriate password in the Certificate Password field.
5. Click the Upload button.
Note: If the certificate file is not in the pkcs12 format, the upload fails. Importing
a new certificate overwrites any previously imported certificates.
6. Click Apply to save your settings.
Manage Trusted HTTPS Certificates
To manage trusted certificates, select Web Security > Certificate Management. The
Certificate Management screen displays. The following figure shows only the Import New
Certificate and Trusted Certificates sections of the screen:
Figure 128. Certificate management, screen 2 of 3