Firewall Protection
ProSecure Unified Threat Management (UTM) Appliance
Figure 84.
2. In the Multicast Pass through section of the screen, select the Yes radio button to enable
multicast pass-through. (By default the Yes radio button is enabled.)
When you enable multicast pass-through, an Internet Group Management Protocol
(IGMP) proxy is enabled for the upstream (WAN) and downstream (LAN) interfaces. This
proxy allows the UTM to forward relevant multicast traffic from the WAN to the LAN, and
to keep track of the IGMP group membership when LAN hosts join or leave the multicast
3. For multiple WAN port models, if load balancing is configured, select the upstream
interface to which multicast traffic is bound because only a single interface can function as
the upstream interface. From the Bind Upstream interface to drop-down list, select the
interface or the slot (UTM9S and UTM25S only). The default interface is WAN1.
When you change the WAN mode to load balancing, multicast traffic is bound by default
to the active interface of the previous WAN mode.
If the interface to which multicast traffic is bound is configured for PPPoE, PPPoA
(UTM9S and UTM25S only), or PPTP, you need to add the multicast source address to
the Alternate Networks table:
a. In the Alternate Networks section of the screen, below the table, enter the following
• IP Address. Enter the multicast source IP address.
• Subnet Mask. Enter the subnet mask for the multicast source address.
b. Click the Add table button in the rightmost column to add the multicast source
address to the Alternate Networks table.
Repeat Step a and Step b for each multicast source address that you need to add to
the Alternate Networks table.