Mitsubishi Electronics BNP-C3040D Welder User Manual

3. Setup
3 - 67
Abbrev. Parameter name Details
Setting range
3021 sori
rotation speed
Set the spindle orientation rotation speed.
Set the rotation speed for when the spindle rotates at the constant
rotation speed.
0 to 32767
3022 sgear
Encoder gear ratio Set the gear ratio of the spindle to the spindle end detector when the
spindle end detector feed back is directly input to NC.
0: 1/1
1: 1/2
2: 1/4
3: 1/8
3023 smini
Minimum rotation
Set the minimum rotation speed of the spindle.
If an S command instructs the rotation speed below this setting, the
spindle rotates at the minimum rotation speed set by this parameter.
0 to 32767
3024 sout*
Set the type of the spindle to be connected.
0: No connection with the spindle
1: Serial connection (bus)
2 to 5: Analog output
0 to 5
3025 enc-on
Spindle end
Set the spindle end detector connection destination.
0: No connection
1: NC
2: Drive unit
0 to 2
3026 cs_ori
Selection of coil in
orientation mode
0: Perform orientation using the coil selected when the orientation
command is issued.
1: Use coil L whenever the orientation command is issued.
3027 cs_syn
Selection of coil in
0: The coil H/L is selected by the actual spindle motor rotation speed
(calculated from commanded rotation speed) when spindle
synchronous control starts. (The coil is not switched during
synchronous control. The control is carried out with the coil selected
at start.)
If the actual spindle motor rotation speed is less than SP020, the coil
L is selected, and if more than the value, the coil H is selected.
1: Use coil H whenever the spindle synchronous command is issued.
3028 sprcmm
L system tap cycle
spindle forward
reverse run M
Set the M code of the spindle forward run/reverse run command.
High-order three digits: The spindle forward run command's M code is
Low-order three digits: The spindle reverse run command's M code is
0 to 999999
3029 tapsel
Asynchronous tap
gear selection
Specify whether to use the tap rotation speed or maximum rotation
speed for the gear that is selected when an asynchronous tap command
is issued.
0: Tap rotation speed
1: Maximum rotation speed
This parameter is valid only when the M-function synchronous tap cycle
enable parameter (#1272 ext08/bit1) is ON.
3030 Not used. Set to "0". 0
smcp_no *
Drive unit I/F
channel No.
Using a 4-digit number, set the drive unit interface channel No. and
which axis in that channel is to be used when connecting a spindle drive
High-order two digits : Drive unit interface channel No.
Low-order two digits : Axis No.
When using the conventional fixed layout, set all axes to "0000".
Set "0000" when using an analog spindle.
0101 to 0107
0201 to 0207
Not used. Set to "0". 0
Parameters with an asterisk * in the abbreviation, such as sout*, are validated with the NC power turned ON again.