Mitsubishi Electronics BNP-C3040D Welder User Manual

3. Setup
3 - 71
No. Abbr. Parameter name Details
Setting range
SP017 TSP* Maximum motor speed
Set the maximum spindle motor speed. 1 to 32767
SP018 ZSP* Motor zero speed
Set the motor speed for which zero-speed output is
1 to 1000
SP019 CSN1* Speed cushion 1
Set the time constant for a speed command from "0" to
the maximum speed.
(This parameter is invalid during position loop control.)
1 to 32767
(10 ms)
Speed detection set
Set the motor speed for which speed detection output is
Usually, the setting value is 10% of SP017 (TSP).
0 to 32767
SP021 TLM1 Torque limit 1 Set the torque limit rate for torque limit signal 001. 0 to 120 (%) 10
Speed loop gain
proportional term under
speed control
Set the speed loop proportional gain in speed control
mode. When the gain is increased, response is
improved but vibration and sound become larger.
0 to 1000 63
SP023 VGNI1*
Speed loop gain integral
term under speed
Set the speed loop integral gain in speed control mode.
Normally, this is set so that the ratio in respect to SP022
(VGNP1) is approximately constant.
0 to 1000 60
SP024 Not used. Set "0". 0 0
SP025 GRA1*
Spindle gear teeth count
Set the number of gear teeth of the spindle
corresponding to gear 000.
1 to 32767 1
SP026 GRA2*
Spindle gear teeth count
Set the number of gear teeth of the spindle
corresponding to gear 001.
1 to 32767 1
SP027 GRA3*
Spindle gear teeth count
Set the number of gear teeth of the spindle
corresponding to gear 010.
1 to 32767 1
SP028 GRA4*
Spindle gear teeth count
Set the number of gear teeth of the spindle
corresponding to gear 011.
1 to 32767 1
SP029 GRB1*
Motor shaft gear teeth
count 1
Set the number of gear teeth of the motor shaft
corresponding to gear 000.
1 to 32767 1
SP030 GRB2*
Motor shaft gear teeth
count 2
Set the number of gear teeth of the motor shaft
corresponding to gear 001.
1 to 32767 1
SP031 GRB3*
Motor shaft gear teeth
count 3
Set the number of gear teeth of the motor shaft
corresponding to gear 010.
1 to 32767 1
SP032 GRB4*
Motor shaft gear teeth
count 4
Set the number of gear teeth of the motor shaft
corresponding to gear 011.
1 to 32767 1
Parameters with an asterisk * in the abbreviation, such as OSP*, are validated with the NC power turned ON again.