6. Troubleshooting
6 - 5
Drive unit alarm
No. Alarm name SV SP Alarm details Reset
20 Motor side detector, No signal 1
A PLG Z-phase no signal was detected. PR
21 Machine side detector, No signal 2
The pulse-type linear scale or ball screw end detector's ABZ-phase no
signal was detected with the servo, or the encoder no-signal was
detected with the spindle.
23 Excessive speed deflection 1
A difference of 50r/min or more between the speed command and
speed feedback continued for longer than the set time.
25 Absolute position lost
The backup voltage in the absolute position detector dropped causing
the absolute position to be lost.
26 Unusable axis error
A power module error is occurring with the axis for which the axis No.
selection switch is set to "F" (not used axis).
27 Machine side detector, CPU error 2
A CPU error was detected with the linear scale. PR
28 Machine side detector, overspeed
A speed exceeding the specified maximum speed was detected with
the linear scale.
29 Machine side detector, absolute
position data error
An error was detected in the absolute position data detection circuit with
the linear scale.
2A Machine side detector, incremental
position data error
An error was detected in the relative position data detection circuit with
the linear scale.
2B Motor side detector, CPU error 1
A CPU initial error was detected with the motor end detector or linear
scale in the linear servo system.
2C Motor side detector, EEPROM/LED
Deterioration of the LEDs was detected with the motor end detector. Or,
an error in the data stored in the memory was detected with the linear
scale in the linear servo system.
2D Motor side detector, data error
A data error was detected with the motor end detector or linear scale in
the linear servo system.
2F Motor side detector, communication
A communication data error was detected with the motor end detector
or linear scale for the linear servo. Or, communication was cut off.
31 Overspeed
A rotation speed exceeding the motor's tolerable rotation speed was
32 Power module overcurrent
§ §
The power module's overcurrent protection function activated. PR
34 Communication or CRC error
between NC and drive unit
{ {
An error was detected in the data received from the NC. PR
35 NC command error
{ {
The movement command data received from the NC was excessive. PR
36 Communication or transmission
error between NC and drive unit
{ {
Communication from the NC was cut off. PR
37 Initial parameter error
An illegal parameter was detected in the parameters received from the
NC at NC power ON.
38 Communication or protocol error 1
between NC and drive unit
{ {
An error was detected in the communication frame received from the
39 Communication or protocol error 2
between NC and drive unit
{ {
An error was detected in the axis information data received from the
3A Overcurrent
§ §
An excessive current was detected in the motor drive current. PR
3B Power module overheat
§ §
The power module's temperature protection function activated. PR
3D Spindle speed lock
Even when the maximum torque was commanded, the motor speed
does not increase to 45r/min or more.
3E Spindle speed overrun
1. A state in which the motor's speed feedback exceeded the speed
command and accelerated was detected.
2. Even though the speed command is 0 (including when stopped
during position control), motor rotation exceeding the parameter
setting value was detected.
3F Speed excessive deflection 2
During constant speed operation, the difference between the speed
command and speed feedback exceeded the set amount and set time.
(Note 1) Motor stopping method applied when self-axis drive unit alarm occurs is indicated in SV for servo and in SP for spindle.
(Note 2) Servo (SV) alarm stopping method
{: Deceleration control (when SV048, SV055 or SV056 is set)
§: Dynamic brake stop
: Initial error (while motor is stopped)
(Note 3) Spindle (SP) alarm stopping method
{: Deceleration control (when SP038/bit0=1 is set)
§: Coast to a stop
: Initial error (while motor is stopped)