5. Spindle Adjustment
5 - 16
bitB. Magnetic pole position checked (MAO)
This signal turns ON when magnetic pole position is checked.
bitD. Z-phase passed (ZFIN)
This signal turns ON when the Z-phase is passed for the first time after servo ON during position
bitE. In position loop in-position (INP)
During position loop control, this signal turns ON if the position droop drops below the value set
with SP153 (CINP) during C-axis control, SP185 (SINP) during spindle synchronous control, and
SP217 (TINP) during synchronous tap control.
Related spindle parameters
No. Abbr. Parameter name Details
SP153 CINP C-axis control
in-position width
Set the position error range for outputting the in-position signal
during C-axis control.
(HEX setting)
0000 to
SP185 SINP Spindle synchronous
In-position width
Set the position error range for output of the in-position signal in
the spindle synchronous control mode.
1 to 2880
SP217 TINP Synchronized
tapping control
in-position width
Set the position error range for output of the in-position during
synchronized tapping control.
1 to 2880
bitF. Limiting current (CL)
This signal turns ON if a load higher than the spindle's excessive load withstand level is applied
during spindle motor rotation. This may also turn ON during motor acceleration/deceleration.