5. Spindle Adjustment
5 - 43
[5] Speed clamp value adjustment
The orientation control mode's position loop control changing speed is determined
automatically, based on the position loop gain, the deceleration rate, and the gear ratio, etc. A
changing speed that is too high can be limited by the orientation mode changing speed limit
value (SP005) setting. A change to the orientation motor speed clamp value 2 (SP115) occurs
at control input 4/bitC.
No. Abbr. Parameter name Details
SP005 OSP* Orientation mode
speed clamp value
Set the motor speed limit value to be used when the speed loop
is changed to the position loop in orientation mode.
When this parameter is set to "0", SP017 (TSP) becomes the
limit value.
0 to 32767
SP115 OSP2 Orientation control
speed clamp value 2
When the orientation clamp speed is changed by the control
input, this parameter setting will be used instead of SP005:
Indexing speed clamp valid
This parameter is used when (SP097: SPEC0/bit4 = 1).
0 to 32767
For MDS-C1-SPH, SP037/bitD=1 setting can be used to set a clamp speed that is the same as
the spindle end speed. At gear changes, too, the spindle speed is clamped at the same speed.
The clamp speed parameter is the same as that used to set the motor speed.
No. Abbr. Parameter name Details
F EDCBA98765 4 3 2 10
splg dplg ospcl noplg nsno nosg plgo magoenco
Meaning when set to 0 Meaning when set to 1 Standard
D ospcl
Orientation speed clamp
motor speed setting
Orientation speed clamp
spindle speed setting
(Note) bitD is valid only for MDS-C1-SPH.
SP037 SFNC5* Spindle function 5