Endpoint Management Overview
Polycom, Inc. 95
Bundled Provisioning View
Use the Bundled Provisioning View to see the list of provisioning bundles
available to dynamically managed HDX andRealPresence Group Series
Endpoint List in the Bundled Provisioning View
By default, the Bundled Provisioning View displays the list of provisioning
bundles available for use by dynamically-managed HDX or RealPresence
Group Series systems.
The bundle list in the Bundled Provisioning View has the following
Action Use this action to...
Delete Peripheral (Available only when the peripheral is no longer paired with
an endpoint.) Delete the peripheral from the Peripheral
View list.
(Available only for peripherals on which you can install
multiple applications.) Display a list of installed applications
and their version.
Field Description
Filter The filter choices for provisioning bundles that have been
downloaded to the system. Possible values include:
•Name—Filters by the name of the provisioning bundle.
•Model—Filters by the endpoint type.
•Creation Date—Filters by the date the provisioning bundle was
downloaded and created on the system.
• Description—Filters by the description of the provisioning
Name The name assigned to the provisioning bundle when it was
downloaded and created on the system.
Model The exact type of endpoint to which the provisioning bundle applies
as defined when it was downloaded and created on the system.
The date the provisioning bundle was downloaded and created on
the system.
Description The description assigned to the provisioning bundle when it was
downloaded and created on the system.