System Overview
Polycom, Inc. 3
services, such as Conference on Demand also requires an RMX or MGC
system. Not all conferencing features are supported on all RMX system. For
more information about supported functionality, see the Polycom RMX System
Release Notes for your conferencing platform.
Working in the Polycom CMA System
This section includes some general information you should know when
working in the CMA system. It includes these topics:
• Log Into the Polycom CMA System
• Field Input Requirements
• Filter and Search a List
• Change a Password
• Log Out of the Polycom CMA System
• Restart or Shut Down a Polycom CMA System
• Emergency Shutdown of a Polycom CMA System
Log Into the Polycom CMA System
To log into the CMA system web interface, you need:
• Microsoft Internet Explorer® 6.0, 7.0 or 8.0, Mozilla FireFox® 3.5 or 3.6, or
Apple Safari 3.2, 4.0 or 5.0.
If your system is operating in maximum security mode, you may use only
Microsoft Internet Explorer.
• Adobe
Player 9.x or 10.x
• The IP address or host name of the CMA system server and your
username, password, and domain.
Generally, you get three opportunities to enter the correct password. After
three failed attempts, the system returns an error message.
The CMA system user interface is best viewed with an SXGA display resolution of
at least 1280x1024 pixels. The minimum support display resolution is XGA
1024x768 pixels.