Polycom CMA System Operations Guide
292 Polycom, Inc.
Conference Type Report
Use the Conference Type Report option to review monthly summary
information about past CMA system conferences.
To create a Conference Type Report
1 Go to Reports > Conference Type Report.
An empty Conference Type Report grid appears.
2 As needed, change the From: and To: dates to select the date range for the
report, and click View.
The Conference Type Report for the selected date range appears. It
includes the following information.
Column Description
Date Information is displayed on a month-by-month basis and
an average for the selected months.
Scheduled Confs The number of conferences scheduled via one of the
CMA system scheduling interfaces (that is, the CMA
system application, the Polycom Scheduling Plugin for
Microsoft Outlook, or the Polycom Scheduling Plugin for
IBM Lotus Notes).
Ad hoc Confs The number of conferences that used one or more
endpoints for which the CMA system was the
gatekeeper, but that weren’t scheduled via one of the
CMA system scheduling interfaces.
MP Confs The number of multipoint conferences scheduled using
one of the CMA system scheduling interfaces.
P2P Confs The number of point-to-point conferences scheduled
using one of the CMA system scheduling interfaces.
Gateway Confs The number of scheduled conferences that used a
gateway to reach one or more endpoints.
Embedded MP
The number of scheduled multipoint conferences that
used the MCU embedded in a V-Series, VSX-Series, or
Polycom HDX-Series endpoint rather than an external
MCU such as an MGC or RMX MCU.
Two Person
Conferences on
The number of scheduled point-to-point conferences
that used an external MCU such as an MGC or RMX
MCU even through point-to-point conferences do not
usually require MCU resources.
Short Confs The number of scheduled conferences that were
scheduled to last 30 minutes or more, but which actually
lasted less than 30 minutes.