Polycom CMA System Operations Guide
288 Polycom, Inc.
7 Click Inbound to see a chart that identifies the endpoints from which the
inbound calls to the selected endpoints originated.
8 Click Outbound to see a chart that identifies the endpoints to which the
selected endpoints called.
9 Click Summary CDR Report to see a grid that displays information for
each of the selected endpoints that participated in calls.
If any of the selected endpoints did not participate in calls during the
selected time period, it is not included in the Summary CDR Report.
10 To export the information in the Summary CDR Report, click Export as
Excel File and either Open or Save the file as needed. Note that only the
first 1000 lines of the report are exported to the Excel file.
11 Click Detail CDR Report to see information for each of the endpoints
that participated in calls.
The Generate Report page displays System Information and CDR
information for the first endpoint in the list. For the selected endpoint, the
System Information section includes the following data.
Field Description
Serial Number The registered serial number of the endpoint.
Endpoint Name Identifies the endpoint by name.
Total Time in Call Specifies the total amount of time the endpoint spent in
conference during the selected time period.
Average Time in
Specifies the average amount of time the endpoint spent
per call during the selected time period, that is, the Total
Time in Call divided by the Total Calls.
Average Speed
All Calls
Specifies the average bit rate for all of the calls in which
the endpoint participated during the selected time period,
that is, total bit rate divided by the Total Calls.
Calls Out Specifies the number of calls in which the endpoint
participated during the selected time period that originated
from the endpoint.
Calls In Specifies the number of calls in which the endpoint
participated during the selected time period that did not
originate from the endpoint.
Total Calls Specifies the total number of calls in which the endpoint
participated for the selected time period.