Polycom CMA System Operations Guide
18 Polycom, Inc.
• In maximum security, the CMA system does not include support for the
following features:
— Operation on the CMA 4000 platform or in a redundant system
— CMA system gatekeeper functionality
— External databases
— Legacy endpoints. Only HDX systems operating in dynamic
management mode are supported.
— ISDN scheduling
— Global Address Books
— Standard (scheduled) management and monitoring of endpoints
— Presence
— Remote desktop
— Integration with Microsoft (MS) Exchange for calendaring
— Integration with MS Office Communications Server or MS Lync
— Support for the Polycom CMA Desktop clients or the Polycom
Scheduling Plug-ins for Microsoft Outlook and IBM Lotus Notes
— Least Cost Routing
— Audio only conferences
— Online help
The following sections describe in detail the operational differences for a CMA
system in Maximum Security mode.
Conference Scheduling in Maximum Security Mode
Conference scheduling functionality is available to users assigned the basic
Scheduler, Advanced Scheduler, and Operator roles. The conference
scheduling workflow on a CMA system operating in maximum security mode
does not change. However, because all conferences must be hosted on RMX
conferencing systems, the MCU Settings for all Conference Templates has
changed in the following ways:
• The Supported MCUs section lists only RMX systems.
• The Always Use MCU option on the Conference Template page is not
available (grayed-out); it is always enabled and cannot be changed.