System Conference Scheduling Overview
Polycom, Inc. 47
Some notes about bridge reassignment:
• The bridge reassignment process only occurs when the system detects that
a bridge is down. It does not occur if the system determines that a bridge
does not have sufficient resources required to host the conference.
• If the CMA system cannot find another bridge with the features and
capacity needed to support a conference, the conference fails to start. The
system does not attempt to modify the conference settings in any way.
Instead, the system sends an email to notify the conference organizer of
the failure.
• The system will chain bridge reassignments. This means that if the next
bridge to which the system assigns a conference is down at the time the
system tries to start the conference, the system will try to reassign the
conference again.
• If the bridge to which the system reassigns a conference has ad hoc
conferences on it, the CMA system is unaware of those conferences. The
reassigned conference may fail to start if ad hoc conferences are
consuming resources the CMA system expected to schedule. This is
known behavior and is avoided by applying the best practice of not using
bridges for both scheduled and ad hoc conferences.