User Management Operations
Polycom, Inc. 263
Add a Local User
To add a local user
1 Go to User > Users and click Add.
The Add New User dialog box appears. The Enable User option is
selected by default.
2 Enter the following user information.
Title The user’s professional title.
Department The user’s department within the enterprise.
City The city in which the user’s office is located.
Phone Number The contact phone number for the user.
Associated Permissions
Permission The set of permissions the user is assigned. For
more information, see “Roles and Permissions” on
page 252.
Granted Through The role through which the permissions are
Associated Roles
Assigned Roles The roles assigned to the user. For more information,
see “Roles and Permissions” on page 252.
Type The type of group to which the user belongs.
Possible values are local and enterprise.
Name The name of the group to which the user belongs.
Inherited Group Info
Address Book The Address Book(s) the user sees based upon the
groups to which the user is assigned.
Column Description
Column Description
First Name The user’s first name
Last Name The user’s last name