Dial Plan Setup Operations
Polycom, Inc. 485
Dial Plan Service Operations
Dial plan services are special features that video endpoint system users can
invoke by dialing the prefix assigned in the CMA system to that service.
The CMA system has two default dial plan services:
• Conference on Demand
• Simplified Dialing
These services can be edited and disabled, but not deleted.
You can also add other gateway or If a service does not appear automatically
when a device registers with the CMA system, you can define the service
manually so that it is available for video endpoint system users. In addition,
you can add services for certain third-party MCU services.
Conference on Demand
With Conference on Demand, video endpoint system users can start an
unscheduled multipoint conference from their endpoint rather than
requesting this service from an administrator.
The initiating endpoint uses the capabilities made available through the MCU.
When Conference on Demand is enabled on the endpoint, the CMA system
sends the call directly to the MCU.
The following table provides details on how the Conference on Demand
service is configured.
Conference on Demand is only available on Polycom RMX and MGC MCUs. It is
not available on Polycom RMX 1000 MCUs.
Field Description
General Info
Service Type Conference on Demand (read only)
Enable Indicates whether or not the service is enabled
Available for New Groups Indicates whether or not the service is available for
new user groups
Description Description (ASCII only) of the service. By default for
this service, Conference on Demand
Service Prefix The prefix (ASCII only) for the service. By default for
this service: con