MCU Bridge Management Operations
Polycom, Inc. 229
DNS Name The DNS name for the MCU.
Aliases The aliases that allow you to connect to the MCU. The
CMA system converts the aliases to the IP address
associated with the MCU.
• Alias Type. Possible types include E.164, H.323 ID,
URL, Transport Address, E-mail, Party Number, and
• Alias Value. Value for the alias type shown.
• The value for the H.323 ID is the MCU name if the
MCU registered with the gatekeeper and it is a
third-party system. In other cases, the MCU name is
the system name, which might be different from the
H323 ID.
• To add aliases for the MCU, edit the MCU.
• The following Alias Values are ASCII only: H323 ID,
URL, Transport Address, and Unknown.
ISDN Video
The country code + city/area code + phone number for
the MCU.
The communications protocols that the MCU can
support. Possible values include:
•IP (H.323) - A standard that defines the protocols
used for multimedia communications on
packet-based networks, such as IP.
• ISDN (H.320) - A standard that defines the protocols
used for multimedia communications on switched
networks, such as ISDN.
The MCU automatically provides the protocols if it
registered successfully or is managed.
Capabilities to enable on this MCU. Options are:
•MCU - The device can act as a control unit for
multipoint conferences
• Gateway - (MGC MCUs only) The device can act as
a gateway for call management
The MCU provides the capability if it registered
successfully or is managed.
Available to
Select this option to make the MCU available to users
who are scheduling conferences
Monitoring Level Not applicable to MCU devices.
Field Description