Dial Plan Setup Operations
Polycom, Inc. 491
4 Click OK.
The new service is added to the system.
Edit a Service
You can make changes to a service.
To edit a service
1 Go to Admin > Dial Plan > Services.
2 In the Services list, select the service of interest and click Edit Service.
3 As required, edit the General Info, and if applicable Simplified Dialing
or Conference on Demand, sections of the Edit Service dialog box.
4 Click OK.
Delete a Service
You can delete a gateway or MCU service from the CMA system. You cannot
delete the Conference on Demand or Simplified Dialing service.
To delete a service
1 Go to Admin > Dial Plan > Services.
2 In the Services list, select the service of interest and click Delete Service.
3 Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
Be sure that the information you enter in the CMA system matches the information
entered in the MCU.
• The system returns an error message if you attempt to delete any services that
were added automatically when the MCU registered with the CMA system. To
avoid this, first unregister and then delete the MCU.
• MCU services added manually from the Services page are not affected by this