Manually setting a crossfade
An automatic crossfade is not inserted if a shorter event is placed on top of and within the same time frame
of a longer event. In this case, the longer event begins playing, then the shorter event plays, and then the
longer event resumes playing at the timeline position. You can manually create a crossfade to fade in and out
of the shorter event.
Place the mouse pointer on one of the shorter event’s handles. The envelope cursor appears ( ).
Drag the handle to the desired position.
This is a fast and effective method of inserting a voiceover on top of a background music track (although the
music fades out completely) or to replace a bad section of audio. For more information, see Punching-in and
crossfading events on page 102.
Changing crossfade curves
You can change the crossfade curves that are used to fade in and out between two events.
Right-click anywhere in the crossfade region to display a shortcut menu.
From the shortcut menu, choose Fade Type, and choose the desired fade type from the submenu.
If you use the same crossfade curve frequently, you can
set it as a default for all new audio or video crossfades. For
more information, see Editing tab on page 349.
Sliding a crossfade
You can slide a crossfade between two events without affecting the total length of the two overlapping
events. This process is similar to sliding and slipping events. For more information, see Slipping and sliding
events on page 107.
Press while dragging the overlapping area between two events. The slide crossfade cursor appears
Events without crossfade
Events with manual crossfade
Right-click a crossfade to
choose a different crossfade curve.