Bypassing plug-ins on the chain
You can bypass plug-ins on the chain by clearing the check box on a specific plug-in or by right-clicking the
plug-in and choosing
Bypass from the shortcut menu. The plug-in remains bypassed until you enable it
again. Bypassing a plug-in prevents it from being processed on the mixer, track or bus.
You can bypass plug-ins from the appropriate FX window or from the Plug-In Chooser dialog.
Removing plug-ins from a chain
You can remove plug-ins from a chain in either the appropriate FX window or the Plug-In Chooser dialog.
Removing a plug-in from the chain in the FX window
Click the Track FX, Bus FX or Assignable FX button ( ). The appropriate FX window (Audio Plug-In or
Video Track FX) appears.
Assignable effects are available only in the full version of Vegas software.
Select the plug-in that you want to remove.
Click the Remove Selected Plug-In button ( ).
Removing a plug-in from the chain in the Plug-In Chooser dialog
Click the Track FX, Bus FX or Assignable FX button ( ). The appropriate FX window (Audio Plug-In or
Video Track FX) appears.
Assignable effects are available only in the full version of Vegas software.
Click the Plug-In Chain button ( ). The Plug-In Chooser dialog appears with the plug-in chain displayed
at the top.
Select the plug-in that you want to remove and click Remove to remove it from the chain.
Click OK to close the Plug-In Chooser dialog.
Saving plug-in chains
You can save and edit the plug-in chains that you add to tracks or busses or create as assignable effects
chains. Saved chains retain the order of plug-ins and the settings that you have applied. These chains are
stored as effect packages for use in future projects. If you use the same plug-in chains regularly, saving them as
packages is faster and more consistent than recreating the chain manually.
Once you save a chain as a package, you can use it as either a track, bus or assignable effects plug-in chain.
Saved plug-in chain packages appear in the Plug-In Chooser dialog.
Effect bypassedEffect enabled
To enable the plug-in again, click its
check box or choose Bypass from
the shortcut menu.