
monitoring, 297
Control surface setup, 346
Converting format, See Rendering
Copying events, 99
Event attributes, 175
Time and events, 100
Time selections, 100
Creating a movie, 71, 307–314
Creating a multimedia CD, 360
Creating bins, 51
Creating DVD with DVD Architect, 222
Credit roll event, 247
Credits, 228
Cropping video, 223–225
Copying and pasting cropping settings, 175
Plug-in processing order, 245
Crossfades, 112–114, 267
Automatic, 112
Curve types, 113
Manually setting, 113
Overlapping files added to timeline, 227
Sliding, 113
Video, 267
Cursor indications, 38
Customizing DVD Architect
toolbar, 334
Customizing keyboard shortcuts, 345
Customizing Vegas, 329
Frame number display, 329
Grid spacing, 331
Preferences, 336–345
Project properties, 333
Rendering settings, 311
Ruler, 329
Time Display window, 331–332
Toolbar, 21
Video Preview window, 287
Cuts, 267
Converting to transitions, 271
Cutting events, 100–101
Ripple mode, 100
Time and events, 101
Time selections, 101
Busses, 184
CD layout bar markers, 355
Command markers, 122
Envelope points, 164
Events, 109
Keyframes, 274
Markers, 117
Regions, 118
Takes, 131
Tracks, 142
Deleting media from a bin, 52
Digital multitrack setup, 200
DirectX plug-ins, 189, 241
Disable resample, 173
Disc-at-once CD burning, 351, 358
Events, 103
Generated media events, 248
Keyframes, 274
Tracks, 141
DV capture cards, 375
DV format, 234
Out-of-range colors, 235
Selecting source media for, 234
Setting project properties for, 234
Templates for, 234
DV tape
printing to, 323
burning 5.1-channel audio, 222
creating with DVD Architect, 222
DVD Architect, 222
DVD camcorder
importing from, 55
Dynamic RAM video previews, 291
Edge trimming, 103
Edit Decision Lists (EDL), 233
Edit Details window, 27, 138
Audio CD track list category, 138
Closed captioning, 230–231
Commands category, 138
Customizing, 140
Displaying, 138
Edit functions, 138
Editing a CD layout, 356
Events category, 139
Markers category, 139
Regions category, 139
Selected events category, 139
Edit history, clearing, 115
Edit source project, 58
Editing audio in external editor, 123
Editing events, 99