Mitsubishi Electronics 60/60S Router User Manual

3. Tool Offset (M system)
3.3 Tool Life
Refer to "3 (I). Tool Offset (L system)" for L system.
Display item
Setting range
Tool life control mode
Tool diameter compensation data
Tool length offset data format
(a) Tool life control mode
0: Use time
Controlled by the time during which cutting feed
is performed.
1: Mount count
Controlled by the number of times the tool is
used as a spindle tool. Note that if cutting feed
(G01, G02, G03, etc.) is not commanded even
once after the tool is set as the spindle tool, the
mounting will not be counted.
2: Work count
Work count
The work count is made whenever a rapid
traverse feed (G00, etc.) command is replaced
by a cutting feed command (G01, G02, G03,
etc.). However, rapid traverse feed or cutting
feed commands inducing no movement are
G00 G01 G04G00 G00 G01 G04 G01
Cutting feed
Increment b
Cutting feed
Increment b
(b) Tool diameter compensation data format
0: Compensation number
Compensation data in tool data is handled as
compensation number. It is replaced with the
compensation number commanded in a work
program for compensation.
1: Addition compensation amount
Compensation data in tool data is handled as
addition compensation amount. It is added to the
compensation amount indicated by the
compensation number commanded in a work
program for compensation.
2: Direct compensation amount
Compensation data in tool data is handled as
direct compensation amount. It is replaced with
the compensation amount indicated by the
compensation number commanded in a work
program for compensation.