Mitsubishi Electronics 60/60S Router User Manual

6. Operation Panel Switch Functions
6.1 Chamfering
6. Operation Panel Switch Functions
6.1 Chamfering
Chamfering can be validated/invalidated in the thread cutting cycle using an external switch.
6.2 Miscellaneous Function Lock
(1) M, S, T, or B function execution can be ignored by turning ON the MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTION LOCK
(2) M, S, T, B function BCD output is made, but the start signal is not output.
(3) If the MISCELLANEOUS FUNCTION LOCK switch is changed during command execution, automatic
operation stops after the block being executed is terminated. Then, it becomes effective.
6.3 Single Block
(1) When the SINGLE BLOCK switch is turned ON, automatic operation stops after the block being
executed is terminated. That is, automatic operation stops after one program block is executed.
(2) The single block stop point in the fixed cycle mode is fixed according to the fixed cycle.
6.4 Dry Run
(1) When the DRY RUN switch is turned ON, the feedrate set by using the MANUAL FEED RATE switch
takes precedence over the programmed feedrate (F).
6.5 Manual Override
(1) When the MANUAL OVERRIDE switch is turned ON, the override value set by using the FEED
OVERRIDE switch takes precedence over the value set by using the MANUAL FEED RATE switch.
(2) The override value also takes precedence over the dry run during automatic operation.
(3) Manual override becomes effective immediately when the switch is turned ON.