6. Operation Panel Switch Functions
6.14 Handle Interruption
Program path
(G90 X_ Y_;)
Program path
(G90 X_ Y_;)
Path after interruption
Path after interruption
B Distance of interruption in block execution
Distance of interruption by
manual handle
Path after interruption
(Absolute value mode, program absolute value update valid, continuous operation)
Distance of
interruption in
block execution
6.14.6 Handle Interruption in Tool Radius Compensation
Special movement described below relates only to the tool radius compensation plane axis. It has no
influence on the other axes.
At time of tool radius compensation (G41, G42):
In incremental value mode (G91) — The quantity of deviation equals the distance of interruption.
In absolute value mode (G90) — If handle interruption is executed in the block for which tool radius
compensation (G41, G42) is being executed, the proper tool path will return in the succeeding block. This
rule applies only when the program absolute update is active during single block running. If program
absolute update is active during continuous running, the proper tool path will return with the following:
• Executing the command in the fourth block after the one for which the interruption has been completed.
At this time, four or more blocks may not exist between
• Block for which the interruption has been completed and
• Block that contains the nose radius compensation cancel command (G40).
In this case, the proper tool path will return at the block next to the tool radius compensation cancel
command (G40).