8. Maintenance Functions
8.2 Data Sampling
(3) #0 SMT START (setting range: 0, 1, 9)
0: Sampling stop
1: Sampling start
2: Sampling forced end
Sampling will start when "1" is set. This will be set to "0" when sampling is completed.
The operation when "1" is set will differ according to the #5 setting.
#5 setting Operation
0 Sampling starts immediately.
Other than 0 System waits for trigger, and sampling starts when trigger is
If "9" is set during the sampling process, the sampling will stop immediately, and the value will be set to 0.
(4) #1 CYCLE (setting range: 1 to 255)
Set the sampling cycle.
Cycle = 1.7ms ∗ 2 ∗ scale
Scale = (setting value + 1) /2 [integer value]
(Example) When setting value is 1 or 2: 3.5ms cycle
When setting value is 3 or 4: 7.1ms cycle
(5) #2 MARKS (setting range: 1 to 8)
Set the number of sampling points.
(Note) The sampling buffer will be divided by the set number of points. The number of samples per point
will decrease when the number of sampling points is increased.
(6) #3 BUFFER (setting range: 0 to 1)
Set the range of the buffer to be used.
0: Internal memory (DRAM)
1: Memory cassette (capacity is automatically judged)
"1" cannot be selected in the following cases:
• When the memory cassette is not mounted
• When the machining program capacity is higher than 1280m
(7) #4 CAPACITY (setting range: 0 to n)
Set the capacity of the buffer used for sampling.
Buffer capacity = (setting value + 1) ∗ 1024 items
The setting value's upper limit n differs according to the buffer range being used.
Buffer range
Maximum number of
sampling data items
Setting value
upper limit n
Built-in memory 3,072 2
HR412/HR452 131,072 127
HR422/HR462 262,144 255
HR432/HR472 524,288 511