3. Adjustment of Dog-type Reference Point Return
3.3 Reference Point Return Parameters
(5) Grid mask amount (#2028 grmask)
The electrical zero point is the first grid point after the dog is kicked.
If the grid point is at the position where the near-point dog is kicked, the electrical zero point will be the
grid point at the position where the dog is kicked because of the delay of the limit switch operation. Thus,
the next grid point will be applied, or in the end, the reference point position may be deviate by the
amount of the grid space.
Thus, the position that the dog is kicked must be at the approximate center of the grid space.
Reference point
The electrical zero point will
change depending on the
limit switch delay.
Adjustments can be made by changing the near-point dog or by setting the grid mask amount.
Setting the grid mask has the same effect as lengthening the near-point dog.
If the grid amount is near the grid space or 0, the grid point will be at the position that the near-point dog
is kicked, so set a grid mask.
The grid mask amount is set so that the grid mask is one-half of the grid space.
The grid mask amount can be set only in the reference point return direction.
The grid amount and grid space can be confirmed on the "SERVO MONITOR (2)" screen.
Refer to the grid mask amount calculation expressions on the next page for the grid mask amount