3. Tool Offset (M system)
3.3 Tool Life
Refer to "3 (I). Tool Offset (L system)" for L system.
Display item Explanation Setting range
FORM (c) Tool length offset data format
0: Offset number
1: Addition offset amount
2: Direct offset amount
The functions are the same as in (b) above.
These depend on the data format specified in "FORM". Compensation
1 to 400
±1 to 99999.999
Direct compensation
±1 to 99999.999
AUX This depends on the machine maker specifications. 0 to 65535
LIFE Life of each tool. It is displayed in the use time
(minutes), mount count (the number of times the tool
has been mounted on the spindle), or work count (the
number of times hole drilling has been performed) as
specified in "FORM".
If it is set to 0, life infinity is specified.
Use time
0 to 4000 (min)
Mount count
0 to 9999/65000
Work count
0 to 9999/65000
USE Use data of each tool is displayed in the form as
specified in FORM (a. Tool life control mode).
(Note) Use data is not counted during machine
lock, miscellaneous function lock, dry run,
or single block mode.
Use time
0 to 4000 (min)
Mount count
0 to 9999/65000
(times) Work count
0 to 9999/65000
(Note) The No. of uses/No. of mounts depends on the model.