4. Parameters (User)
4.2 Machining Parameters
# Item Contents Setup range (unit)
8205 OT-CHECK-P This sets the coordinates of the (+) direction in the
moveable range of the stored stroke limit II or the
upper limit coordinates of the prohibited range of
stored stroke limit IIB.
±99999.999 (mm)
8206 TOOL CHG. P Set the coordinates of the tool change position for
G30. n (tool change position return).
Set with coordinates in the basic machine
coordinate system.
±99999.999 (mm)
8207 G76/87 IGNR
(For M system only)
Select the shift operation at G76 (fine boring) and
G87 (back boring).
0: Shift effective
1: No shift
8208 G76/87 (–)
(For M system only)
Specifies the shift direction at G76 and G87. 0: Shift to (+)
1: Shift to (–)
8209 G60 SHIFT
(For M system only)
Set the last positioning direction and distance for a
G60 (uni-directional positioning) command.
±99999.999 (mm)
8210 OT INSIDE The stored stoke limit function to be set in #8204
and #8205 prevents the machine from moving to the
inside or outside of the specified range.
0: Inhibits outside area
(select stored stroke limit II.)
1: Inhibits inside area
(select stored stroke limit II B.)
8211 MIRR. IMAGE Enable or disable the parameter mirror image
0: Disable
1: Enable