3. Adjustment of Dog-type Reference Point Return
3.3 Reference Point Return Parameters
(6) Grid space (#2029 grspc)
This parameter sets the distance between grids.
The normal grid space is the ball screw pitch (SETUP PARAM. "#2218 PIT") value or the movement
amount per motor rotation set as a mm unit.
To make the grid space smaller, set a divisor of the grid space.
Calculation expression for movement amount per motor rotation
• When linear feed mechanism is ball screw
Movement amount per motor rotation = ∗ Ball screw pitch
• When linear feed mechanism is rack & pinion
Movement amount per motor rotation =
∗ No. of pinion gear teeth ∗ Rack pitch
• For rotation axis
Movement angle per motor rotation = ∗ 360
N = ∗ PIT
Motor side gear ratio
Machine side gear ratio
Motor side gear ratio
Machine side gear ratio
Motor side gear ratio
Machine side gear ratio
N = Movement amount per motor rotation
PC1 = Motor side gear ratio
PC2 = Machine side gear ratio
PIT = Ball screw pitch