2. Monitor
2.5 Resuming the Program
2.5.5 Checkpoints for Program Restart
(1) Set the tool offset amounts and parameters before proceeding with the program restart search. If the
conditions for such are not set beforehand, it will not be possible for the axes to return to the proper
machining start position.
(2) Do not conduct automatic operations during program restart.
It will not be possible for the axes to return to the proper machining start position if either operation is
conducted during program restart. ("During program restart" means the period from the program restart
search to the start of the searched program.)
(3) It will not be possible for the axes to return to the proper machining start position if a program using user
macro external signal input, machine coordinate readout or external mirror image commands is the
object of the restart search.
(4) When an attempt is made to shift the coordinate systems by manual or MDI interrupt while the previous
machining program is being executed, it will not be possible for the axes to return to the proper
machining start position.
(5) If type 1 is used, there is no need to implement the unmodal search for the head of the
program. The operation start block of the previously operated program is stored inside and the type 1
restart search commences the search (modal search) from the previous operation start block and it
locates the designated block. Consequently, unmodal searches are invalid even if they are conducted.
(6) When type 2 is used with type A (standard specifications), the message "E80 TOP SEARCH ERR" will
appear if an unmodal search is not executed and search is directly attempted with type 2. Conduct the
unmodal search first.
(7) If either type 1 or type 2 is used, it is not possible to search blocks with macro statements during the
restart search operation. (This will result in the "E13 NB NOT FOUND" error.)
To initiate a restart search for blocks with macro statements, first set the "#2 MACRO SINGLE" control
parameter ON and then proceed. However, the tool path may change because of the relationship of the
radius compensation, corner rounding/chamfering and geometric read ahead blocks.
(8) When conducting restart with a tape operation, it will not be possible to return to the proper machining
start position if operation is started midway through the tape.
(9) WHILE/GOTO statements cannot be used during tape operations. This means that if such statements
exist even when restart search is performed by tape, a program error (P29) results.
(10) The program number cannot be omitted when conducting a search with type 1 or 2 for type A (standard
specification). If this number setting is omitted, the "E01 SETTING ERROR" message appears and
restart search is not executed.
Reset the program number and proceed again with operation.
(11) If a type 2 search is executed when using type B, the designated sequence No. and block No. will be
searched for in all programs within the designated program numbers. Note that if the same sequence
No. is found in the main program and subprograms, the No. of appearances designation P will be the
number of times for the entire program.
(12) Select type A and type B with the setup parameter "#1278 ext14/bit0".
0: Type A
1: Type B
(13) When using multiple systems, carry out restart search for each system.
(14) If the axis returning to the restart position is a linear type rotary axis, the axis will return to the workpiece
coordinate position.
(15) When using type 3 (T command restart), the N number must be issued before the first T command
block in the program to be searched.
(16) When using type 3 (T command restart), there must be one or more N number within 100 blocks of the
(17) When using type 3 (T command restart), the only T commands that can be searched are the main
program and the subprogram (nesting 1) called from the main program.
(18) When using type 3 (T command restart), if the program is edited before restart search and the position
of the T command block executed last differs from the execution, the error "E98 CAN'T RESEARCH"
will occur when the search is started.